Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ode to Nanny

Doing “Sunday morning things” like getting up early, earlier than everyone else, and cleaning the kitchen or cooking a meal for the family or both, bring me such peace of mind and beauty. I feel like my granny(we called her "nanny"), who would do those things when she came to visit, waking up at dawn and preparing the dough to rise for the dinner rolls she was making for Sunday dinner. She’d make sugar cookies and raisin bread too. And when I got up early with her, awakened by not feeling her presence in the room she shared with me when she came to visit, as much as her quiet singing and moving about in the kitchen that I heard., she’d show me how to coat the top of the cookies with white sugar, or cut out breakfast biscuits with a glass..

Maybe its the apron too. I find myself wearing an apron when i'm in the kitchen for long hauls, it just makes so much sense when you're really getting down and dirty in there. However, never saw myself as an "apron girl". That was what older ladies like my grandmothers wore, and now, here I am, wearing the apron and caring for my family, like my grandmommas did. Never really knowing until now, the power they quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) held. Not really knowing till now, the power of that apron, the power of those hands that cooked and cleaned and prepared the meals, the power of their love shining through in all of those acts.


Barb said...

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom as we embrace and honor the crone.
Baby, you should see me in my 70s Maude fashion apron. I bought it to match my kitchen....eeeeee gads!
Love you and yours!

Barb said...

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom as we embrace and honor the crone.
Baby, you should see me in my 70s Maude fashion apron. I bought it to match my kitchen....eeeeee gads!
Love you and yours!

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled to be following your blog, makes me feel like I haven't lost touch with you completely. Reading about your discovery of the power of the apron made me smile and think of my own grandmothers. Thank you for shining light on them and all the loving care we put into our "motherly work". I miss you!
Love Kim